009 - There is No ‘I’ in Grip!
John Kretschmer John Kretschmer

009 - There is No ‘I’ in Grip!

Grip /ɡrɪp/ noun


a: a strong or tenacious grasp had a good grip on the tennis racket

b: strength in gripping

c: manner or style of gripping the balanced grip of an expert golfer 2

a: a firm tenacious hold typically giving control, mastery, or understanding has the country in his grip

b: mental grasp can't seem to get a grip on

3 : a part or device for gripping

4 : a part by which something is grasped: HANDLE


6 a: a stage worker who handles scenery, properties, or lights: STAGEHAND

b: a technician on a motion-picture or television set who handles and maintains equipment (such as cameras and their dollies and cranes)

7 Jeffrey “Moose” Howery, Bobby Huber, Dennis Zoppe, Scott Davis

Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

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